My Account

Accountant or banker calculate

To better serve our clients we have added a “CLIENT PORTAL” option to our new website. The Client Login is located in the “For Clients” side of our Home page.

  1. Where’s My Refund? – This provides a link to the IRS website, and populates the necessary information for you. Doing so brings up your information faster and easier in order to check the status of your return.
  2. Get a Copy of My Tax Return – Once you have received your refund check, you may upload and print a copy of your tax return whenever necessary.
  3. Send Questions/Notes/Attachments – This link allows you to directly contact us with any concerns you may have. If something is unclear, you need to inform us of a change, or send us a document, it can be done from one location. You can also refer others via this link so we can serve them as well as we have you.
  4. Upload Documents – From here you can upload whatever documents you need at your convenience
  5. Client Feedback – Inform us of any issues you need addressed, or let us know how we impressed you.
  6. Schedule My AppointmentArrange a meeting with our associates to handle your issues in person
  7. Client Referrals – All your referral fees will be located here for your review at any time
  8. Update My Address/Email/Phone/Password – A quick location to keep all your contact information up to date.

To access your account go to our login page,

  1. Click the “For Clients” button next to MY ACCOUNT
  2. Click the “Client Login” (Top right of the page).
  3. Enter your SSN.
  4. Your password is your Last name plus the last 4 (four) of your SSN…i.e. Smith1234.


Enjoy the online Tax USA. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call us! 1-866-529-5558